CCDHH provides state mandated, essential resources and services: information and referrals, including a resource directory; distribution of telecommunications equipment and accessories; sign language interpreting and Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) services for state courts, court-ordered treatment programs, and allied internal functions; outreach and consultative services; annual distribution of grants to eligible, qualified grantees; community access program, including support service providers and orientation and mobility specialists for deaf-blind individuals, and systems advocacy.
Contact Info
- English
- Spanish
- Interpretation for other languages available on request
- Disability-Specific Resources
- Family Involvement
Immigration Status
- U.S. Citizen
- Legal Permanent Resident (5 or more years)
- Legal Permanent Resident (Less than 5 years)
- Temporary Protective Status (TPS)
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Refugee
- Asylee
- V-Visa
- U-Visa
- T-Visa
- Undocumented