Information for Parents/Guardians
Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities
Students who attend charter schools do not waive their rights under federal and state laws. This includes the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Colorado’s Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA).
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Colorado ABLE Savings Plans
The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) of 2014 allows those with disabilities and their families to save for many daily, disability- related expenses on a tax-deferred basis – without limiting their ability to benefit from supplemental security income (SSI), Medicaid and other federal programs.
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Educational Evaluations
Educational evaluations are an important part of any school’s decision on whether to provide special education services, and which services are appropriate for each child.
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Functional Behavioral Assessment and a Behavior Intervention Plan
Sometimes students struggle to learn in school because of challenges with behaviors. A Functional Behavioral Assessment and a Behavior Intervention Plan are created to understand problem behavior and to find methods to support a student.
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Least Restrictive Environment
[Need English Version].
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Prior Written Notice
The education of your child is important and communication is vital. A PWN is a written document that outlines important decisions about your child’s education. Through the PWN, the school can ensure that you are up to date on all important decisions regarding the education of your child and document disagreements among you and the school regarding certain actions.
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Restraint and Seclusion in Schools
Are there rules that schools must follow when implementing restraint and seclusion?
YES! The Colorado Department of Education’s Rules for the Administration of the Protection of Persons from Restraint Act govern the restraints that are implemented in public school settings.
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Student Discipline
Multiple studies show that students with disabilities are at a much higher risk for suspension, expulsion or police involvement due to zero tolerance policies. Schools are supposed to provide special accommodations for students with disabilities when it comes to discipline, but sometimes schools do not do this. It is important for you to know what these accommodations are so that your child does not miss out on their education.
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What School is Best for my Child? An Observation Checklist
AdvocacyDenver does not recommend schools or tell families what school would be best for their child. The following is an observation checklist that serves as a tool as you visit a school. Contact the school to arrange a time to visit.
Download the Printable Checklist