On January 17, 2023, AdvocacyDenver filed a complaint against the Denver Public Schools (DPS) with the Colorado Department of Education alleging violations of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The complaint was filed on behalf of a family whose child had not received speech/language services (SLP) required by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) beginning August 2022 to the date that the complaint was filed. In addition, AdvocacyDenver provided a list of other elementary schools where children were not receiving the IEP SLP services.
[Read more…] about DPS Failed to Provide Speech Services to Over 1000 StudentsStudents Prevail in Systemic Complaint Against Denver Public Schools
It is important to know where you have been in order to know where you are going. The student pictured is a client. He is a Denver Public School (DPS) student, diagnosed with autism. In 2011 the student was assigned to an affective needs (AN) center program. The AN program is said to be designed for students with emotional disabilities, not students with autism, intellectual disabilities, other health impairments (e.g. ADHD) or other disabilities.
[Read more…] about Students Prevail in Systemic Complaint Against Denver Public SchoolsAdvocacyDenver to DPS: Current Compensatory Services Plan is Failing Students with Disabilities
To: Denver Public Schools Board of Education
The following concerns and recommendations are submitted on behalf of students with disabilities who are enrolled in the Denver Public Schools. Concerns, opinions and recommendations were provided to the Department of Special Education and Student Equity and Opportunity but the staff has been firm forwarding procedures and timelines.
[Read more…] about AdvocacyDenver to DPS: Current Compensatory Services Plan is Failing Students with DisabilitiesDenver Public School’s Education and COVID-19 FAQs for Parents and Children with Disabilities
AdvocacyDenver has received many questions from parents/guardians of children with disabilities regarding what to expect beginning in August 2020. We know that Denver Public Schools announced that remote instruction has been extended from August 24 through October 16.
AdvocacyDenver has kept a record of questions and has been working with the Special Education Director Robert Frantum-Allen to define a response to questions.
The following reflects the current thinking on the part of the District. This is a start in terms of questions and answers specific to children with disabilities.
This document will be amended and will include additional questions and answers in relation to Behavior Intervention Plans, English Language Acquisition services, facility programs, assistive technology and children eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have a question that is not included in this document, you are encouraged to call (303-831-7733) or email: pbisceglia@advocacydenver.org.
[Read more…] about Denver Public School’s Education and COVID-19 FAQs for Parents and Children with DisabilitiesPreguntas Frecuentes de los Padres de Niños con Discapacidades con respecto a la Educación y el COVID-19
AdvocacyDenver ha recibido muchas preguntas por parte de los padres/tutores de niños con discapacidades con respecto a qué esperar a partir de agosto de 2020. Sabemos que las Escuelas Públicas de Denver anunciaron que la educación a distancia se ha extendido del 24 de agosto al 16 de octubre.
AdvocacyDenver mantiene un registro de preguntas y ha estado trabajando con el director de educación especial, Robert Frantum-Allen, para definir las respuestas. A continuación, se refleja lo que el distrito piensa actualmente. Esto es un comienzo en términos de preguntas y respuestas específicas para los niños con discapacidades.
Este documento se modificará e incluirá preguntas y respuestas adicionales relativas a los planes de intervención del comportamiento, los servicios de adquisición del idioma inglés, los programas de los centros, las tecnologías de apoyo y los niños elegibles conforme a la sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación.
Si tiene una pregunta que no esté comprendida en este documento, lo animamos a llamar (303-831-7733) o enviar un correo electrónico: Pbisceglia@advocacydenver.org.
[Read more…] about Preguntas Frecuentes de los Padres de Niños con Discapacidades con respecto a la Educación y el COVID-19Finding That Inspire Elementary School Principal Discriminated Against a Student Based on Race
From The Desk of Pamela Bisceglia
On February 6, 2020, a complaint of discrimination was filed by a member of Denver Public School (“DPS”) staff against the Principal of Inspire Elementary School. The complaint was filed in accordance with DPS Board of Education policy AC. The complainant alleged that the Principal discriminated against the student based on race (Black) and disability. AdvocacyDenver appreciates the staff that stood firm advocating for the appropriate treatment of the student and forwarded the complaint of discrimination.
[Read more…] about Finding That Inspire Elementary School Principal Discriminated Against a Student Based on RaceCommunity Endorses a Board Resolution to Remove School Resource Officers and Review of Role and Responsibility and Actions of Denver Public Schools Safety and Security
From The Desk of Pamela Bisceglia
Dear Denver Public Schools Board of Education:
We are writing as advocates in the disability community to ask that you support the call of your colleagues, Tay Anderson and Jennifer Bacon, to end the human rights violations of school policing. In this historic moment spurred by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, we call on you to do what is right and just and vote to terminate the Denver Public Schools’ (DPS) contract with the Denver Police Department and remove all police from the DPS.
[Read more…] about Community Endorses a Board Resolution to Remove School Resource Officers and Review of Role and Responsibility and Actions of Denver Public Schools Safety and SecurityHouse Bill Aims to Add Special Education Requirements to Educator License
Interview by Sarah Havlicek
House Bill 20-1128, Sponsored by Representatives Bri Buentello
(HD-47) and James Wilson (HD-60) in the House and Senators Rachel Zenzinger (SD-19) and Kevin Priola (SD-25) in the Senate, aims to add the requirement of at least 10 hours of professional development regarding the laws and practices of educating students with disabilities to educator licensing for teachers, special services providers, principals, and administrators.
The bill recently passed out of the House of Representatives and was introduced in the Senate and assigned to the Education committee. In an interview with Sarah Havlicek, Representative Buentello, a special education teacher herself, explains the necessity of the bill and ways it will improve special education practices for diverse learners in the state of Colorado.
[Read more…] about House Bill Aims to Add Special Education Requirements to Educator LicenseLooking Forward With Denver Public Schools Superintendent Susana Cordova
From the Desk of Pamela Bisceglia, Executive Director
AdvocacyDenver is pleased to forward the following interview with Denver Public Schools Superintendent Susana Cordova. There are two reasons why this interview is important. At different times during Tom Boasberg’s tenure, we attempted to secure a time to meet with him to discuss systemic issues in relation to programming for students with disabilities. The former superintendent ignored all requests from AdvocacyDenver to meet and ordered deep cuts to Special Education every few years. The cuts resulted in a significant decrease in Special Education oversight, professional development, and elimination of the autism, behavior and assistive technology service teams. Each year, Special Education teachers and in particular related services providers’ caseloads were increased.
[Read more…] about Looking Forward With Denver Public Schools Superintendent Susana CordovaCDE State Complaint Officer Issues Decision on Systemic Complaint
On April 12, 2018 AdvocacyDenver filed a complaint with the Colorado Department of Education State Complaince Officer on behalf of students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act served by Denver Public Schools. [Read more…] about CDE State Complaint Officer Issues Decision on Systemic Complaint