It is important to know where you have been in order to know where you are going. The student pictured is a client. He is a Denver Public School (DPS) student, diagnosed with autism. In 2011 the student was assigned to an affective needs (AN) center program. The AN program is said to be designed for students with emotional disabilities, not students with autism, intellectual disabilities, other health impairments (e.g. ADHD) or other disabilities.
[Read more…] about Students Prevail in Systemic Complaint Against Denver Public SchoolsFinding That Inspire Elementary School Principal Discriminated Against a Student Based on Race
From The Desk of Pamela Bisceglia
On February 6, 2020, a complaint of discrimination was filed by a member of Denver Public School (“DPS”) staff against the Principal of Inspire Elementary School. The complaint was filed in accordance with DPS Board of Education policy AC. The complainant alleged that the Principal discriminated against the student based on race (Black) and disability. AdvocacyDenver appreciates the staff that stood firm advocating for the appropriate treatment of the student and forwarded the complaint of discrimination.
[Read more…] about Finding That Inspire Elementary School Principal Discriminated Against a Student Based on RaceCommunity Endorses a Board Resolution to Remove School Resource Officers and Review of Role and Responsibility and Actions of Denver Public Schools Safety and Security
From The Desk of Pamela Bisceglia
Dear Denver Public Schools Board of Education:
We are writing as advocates in the disability community to ask that you support the call of your colleagues, Tay Anderson and Jennifer Bacon, to end the human rights violations of school policing. In this historic moment spurred by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, we call on you to do what is right and just and vote to terminate the Denver Public Schools’ (DPS) contract with the Denver Police Department and remove all police from the DPS.
[Read more…] about Community Endorses a Board Resolution to Remove School Resource Officers and Review of Role and Responsibility and Actions of Denver Public Schools Safety and SecurityBipartisan Support to Combat Colorado’s Youth Mental Health Crisis
An Interview with Catherine Strode
Democrat Rhonda Fields and Republican Lois Landgraf are each sponsoring the same bill, in the State Senate and in the House, to fight the rising youth suicide rate in Colorado. Senate Bill 19-195, Child and Youth Behavioral Health System Enhancements, creates a policy office and a commission to direct, coordinate, and implement children’s behavioral health services across various state agencies.
The bill also provides for standardized behavioral health screening tools for children and wraparound services. Both legislators say wraparound services will reduce the need for facility-based care and out-of-home placements. In addition to addressing the youth mental health crisis, they agree that the bill will result in significant cost savings to the state. Moreover, it will save lives.
Child Discipline Reform Measures Up for Hearing
An Interview with Catherine Strode
This week, the House Education Committee will hear testimony on House Bill 1194. The bill establishes requirements under which public schools can suspend or expel students enrolled in preschool through second grade (usually three or four year olds through 7 year olds). Colorado Department of Education reports that 5,849 kindergarten through 2nd grade public school students were suspended from school in 2017-2018. The bill is aligned with national recommendations that seek to limit school removal for very young children while endorsing thoughtful exceptions that ensure school safety.
The bill has bipartisan sponsors in both the House and the Senate. Republican State Representative Colin Larson, says education is a priority issue for him as a legislator. He supports the bill because he says he doesn’t want to set kids back educationally or developmentally at young ages.
[Read more…] about Child Discipline Reform Measures Up for HearingArc of Colorado Executive Director Hails Wins of 2018 Sessions
Seven months ago, Christiano Sosa took over the helm of the Arc of Colorado. During that time, he united the state’s 14 Chapters around the 2018 legislative agenda. That agenda produced five prioritized bills that all successfully passed.
In an interview with Catherine Strode, Christiano reflects on this legislative progress and offers his vision moving forward. Part of that vision includes a statewide listening tour he will kick off this June.
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School Stability To Improve Foster Youth Graduation Rates
An Interview with Catherine Strode
The high school graduation rates in Colorado of foster youth trend significantly lower than those of the general population. A bill has passed the House that would permit students in out-of-home placement to stay in their school of origin instead of moving to a different school when placed outside of the home. House Bill 18-1306 is sponsored by State Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet.
In an interview with Catherine Strode, Representative Michaelson Jenet says the bill addresses what has been identified as the most challenging issue facing foster youth: their high dropout and low graduation rate. The bill she has sponsored is designed to improve these rates by keeping foster youth in stable educational environments.
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Center’s Shutdown for Underfed, Abused Kids Results in Bill
An Interview with Catherine Strode
State Representative Jonathan Singer (House District 11) is sponsoring a bill to investigate allegations of abuse of children/youth in out-of-home placement and under the continuing jurisdiction of the court. House Bill 18-1346 offers protections for youth under the age of 21 from institutional child abuse. The bill is a direct outcome of the state’s 2017 shutdown of El Pueblo, a treatment center for youth. Children at the Center gave reports of being starved and abused.
In an interview with Catherine Strode, Representative Singer who is a former social worker says he is committed to making sure all youth in Colorado’s systems are treated fairly. This, he says, is not a partisan issue.
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Prison Pipeline
From The Desk of Pamela Bisceglia
Denver Public Schools, the Division of Youth Corrections and the Division of Human Services all own a piece of Ridge View Academy. Ridge View Academy is a youth correction facility located in Weld County. The correction facility is in a remote area and is surrounded by fields. The facility does not have a barbed wire fence, rather the youth understand if they run they will be sent to a more secure correction facility. Ridge View houses the Denver Public Schools charter school Rite of Passage. The charter school was approved by Denver Public Schools Board of Education over a decade ago. The partnership between Denver Public Schools and the Division of Youth Corrections provides new meaning to the school-to-prison pipeline.
Educational Expert Discusses Disparities and ‘School to Prison Pipeline’
An Interview with Catherine Strode
Dr. David Houchins is recognized as one of the country’s leading researchers in juvenile justice reform and academic strategies for at-risk youth. He was recently a featured speaker at a local conference addressing the ‘school to prison’ pipeline, defined by the American Civil Liberties Union as practices that drive kids from the classroom into the criminal justice system.
Now a professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at Georgia State University, Dr. Houchins formerly taught high school and middle school students. In an interview with Catherine Strode, Dr. Houchins shares his thoughts on how to impact school expulsion rates and in doing so, impact the school to prison pipeline.
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