The Issue
In the state of Colorado, when 14-17 year old children are charged as adults in criminal court, C.R.S. §19-2-517 gives prosecutors sole decision making power and denies children the right to a hearing before a judge on the life changing decision of whether their case should be heard in juvenile court or adult court.
What Can Change Look Like?
House Bill 12-1271 would reform Colorado’s Direct File laws to give children a hearing before a judge on the critically important questions of whether they should be charged as adults or children.
When Is House Bill 12-1271 Being Presented?
The bill will be heard before the Judiciary Committee on March 8, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. in the basement of the capitol.
What Can You Do?
Please contact members of the Judiciary Committee and show your support for HB12-1271.
For more information about this bill and to show your support contact the Francoise Mbabazi, Outreach Director of Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition at (303) 825-0194. Also, If you are apart of an organization that is interested in endorsing the coalition’s “Statement of Principles” you can access the statement online.
If you have questions about this Action Alert please contact DeAnn Major, Director of Transitional Advocacy Services and Juvenile Justice Direct Advocacy and Policy Development.