Enroll in Health Matters with AdvocacyDenver to Get a Jumpstart on Those New Year’s Resolutions!
AdvocacyDenver’s Health Care Advocacy Program is offering a FREE Health Matters class from February through May, 1x a week (up to 2 hours) to community based day programs. Health Matters is an evidence based curriculum for persons with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). The program focuses on becoming physically active, making health food choices, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The program offers community activities that will include visiting a local gym, picking out healthy snacks at a grocery store, attending health expos, and making healthy meal choices at a restaurant, etc. What better way to start out a healthy and happy 2017?
Health Matters is partnering with the Dahlia Center, 3401 Eudora St., classes will begin at the Dahlia Center from 10a-12pm, exact dates are negotiable dependent on the need.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Mary Sims, Wellness Educator:
Recorded Webinar: Adolescent Suicide Prevention
One of Colorado’s long term policy goals is to be the healthiest state in the nation. The Medicaid expansion is making quality health care available to more of the state’s residents. However, one ailment often goes undiagnosed before it kills: suicide. Suicide rates in Colorado have been rising for the past seven years. Currently, Colorado is at the top of the list for suicides, ranking seventh highest nationwide. In this post you can view a recorded webinar discussing what is being done to prevent suicides among our state’s population.
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State’s ‘Two Generation’ Approach Supports Early Childhood Mental Health

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Lisa Jansen Thompson is a leader in the field of early childhood mental health in Colorado. She has worked on building and enhancing systems for young children over the past 20 years. Currently, she is overseeing the local implementation of Project LAUNCH, a federally funded project focused on children’s overall health and mental health.
In an interview with Catherine Strode, Lisa says the state has made great strides in its efforts to build supportive early childhood systems and in adopting a “two-generation” approach to strengthen the social networks of families and impact early childhood mental health.
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Reelected Representative Resumes Fight for The Working Poor

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Representative Tony Exum will be returning to the Capitol for the 2017 session to represent House District 17, after defeating his Republican opponent in the recent election. He had previously served in the Colorado House from 2013 to 2015.
In an interview with Catherine Strode, Representative Exum says he looks forward to being a ‘voice’ for his district this session, and, a ‘voice’ for the working poor.
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Election Results Impact Students with Disabilities

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Bob McGill advocates for Spanish-speaking families of students with disabilities. His work for students with disabilities from immigrant families involves assisting Latino children and their families in the areas of education, health and immigration. In the following interview, Catherine Strode profiles Bob’s work for AdvocacyDenver. She also discusses with him the potential impact of the election results on the students he serves.
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Amendment 72: The Tobacco Tax Increase Decided Today

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Amendment 72 presents a proposal to raise the price of tobacco products. A “yes” vote on the Colorado Tobacco Tax Increase will raise the tax on cigarettes by $1.75 per pack. A “no” vote will keep the tax at its current rate of 84 cents per pack. Jodi Radke is the Regional Director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. As one of Amendment 72’s leading proponents, she manages tobacco control policies for ten states. In an interview with Catherine Strode, Jodi says the primary purpose of Amendment 72 is to reduce use rates across the state, especially among kids, and to use the incoming revenue to benefit tobacco users.
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Amendment 69 Battles Health Costs Skepticism

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Amendment 69 is on the ballot as a citizens’ initiative to amend the Constitution of Colorado to provide a political subdivision of the state called “ColoradoCare.” The measure was designed to establish a statewide program to provide universal healthcare coverage and finance healthcare services for Colorado residents. State Senator Irene Aguilar (D-32) is one of the Amendment’s original, and, strongest supporters. In an interview with Catherine Strode, she discusses what she believes is the public’s skepticism about a health care fix, misconceptions about Amendment 69, and her prediction that if it doesn’t pass this November, it will be brought back for ‘Try Number Two.’
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Advocate Urges ‘No’ Vote on “End of Life” Proposition

An Interview with Catherine Strode
Colorado’s “End of Life Options Act,” also known as Proposition 106, is on the November ballot. A “Yes” vote will support making assisted death legal among patients with a terminal illness. Carrie Ann Lucas, an attorney and self-advocate, has over 20 years of expertise working for disability rights organizations. She is also on the board of Not Dead Yet, a national grassroots disability organization. Ms. Lucas is strongly opposed to Colorado’s Proposition 106. In an interview with Catherine Strode, she calls Proposition 106 “dangerous policy” and discusses the lack of safeguards for Colorado’s most vulnerable populations.
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Webinar: Adolescent Suicide Prevention
One of Colorado’s long term policy goals is to be the healthiest state in the nation. The Medicaid expansion is making quality health care available to more of the state’s residents. However, one ailment often goes undiagnosed before it kills: suicide. Suicide rates in Colorado have been rising for the past seven years. Currently, Colorado is at the top of the list for suicides, ranking seventh highest nationwide. What is being done to prevent suicides among our state’s population?
This webinar has already occurred, but you can view the recording or download the slides.
Colorado Ranks 7th Nationwide in Suicide Deaths

An Interview with Catherine Strode
One of Colorado’s long term policy goals is to be the healthiest state in the nation. The Medicaid expansion is making quality health care available to more of the state’s residents. However, one ailment often goes undiagnosed before it kills: suicide. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
In an effort to bring awareness to this subject, Catherine Strode sat down for an interview with Sarah Brummett, the Coordinator of Colorado’s Commission on Suicide Prevention. She discussed Colorado’s rising suicide rate and the segments of the state’s population that are at high risk.
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