ADA The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: A federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.
ADL Activities of Daily Living: Tasks we do every day to take care of ourselves like eating, bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, and moving around.
APS Adult Protection Services: A government agency that investigates and offers supports to at-risk adults, like people with disabilities and the elderly, who may have been victims of mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
AR Authorized Representative: Someone designated by an individual receiving Medicaid services to assist them in acquiring, navigating, and using those services and supports. Also defined in CRS 27-10.5.
BCBA Board-Certified Behavior Analyst: An individual who is trained to provide and supervise behavior analysis.
CCB Community Centered Board: Nonprofit organization(s) in Colorado that determines eligibility and provides case management to individuals with developmental disabilities who utilize a Medicaid waiver.
CDASS Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services: In-home services from attendants selected, hired, trained and supervised by the person receiving the services.
CLR Comprehensive Life Review: A detailed review of all aspects of a person’s current life situation by their interdisciplinary team, used to develop and influence their service and support plans.
CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services: The federal agency which administers Medicare and Medicaid.
CRS 27-10.5 Colorado Revised Statutes: State law that authorizes and defines services for persons with developmental disabilities.
DD Waiver Developmental Disabilities waiver: A Medicaid waiver program for adults with developmental disabilities that provides comprehensive, 24/7 services including residential care.
DHS Department of Human Services: A government agency that provides social services in Colorado like benefits assistance (food stamps, housing and utility help), child and family welfare, mental health programs, and more.
DVR Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. A government agency that assists people with disabilities in preparing for, finding, and maintaining employment.
EBD Waiver Elderly Blind or Disabled waiver: A Medicaid waiver program that provides eligible elderly, blind and disabled adults a community alternative to nursing facility care.
FCG Family Caregiver: An individual who provides residential care to a member of their family.
HCBS Home and Community Based Services waivers: Medicaid programs that provide long-term care in home and community settings for people with disabilities, mental health diagnoses, and other comprehensive medical needs.
HCPF Health Care Policy and Financing: The government agency responsible for operating and overseeing Colorado’s Medicaid programs and other public health care programs.
HHP Host Home Provider: An individual who provide supports in their home to unrelated persons who use the Developmental Disabilities waiver.
HUD Housing and Urban Development: A government agency that manages and provides low-cost housing including the Section 8 rental assistance program.
HRC Human Rights Committee: A volunteer, third-party committee that oversees individuals with disabilities receiving services who are administered psychotropic medications and/or have a rights modification in place. The committee makes recommendations to ensure support plans are person-centered, proactive, and least restrictive as possible.
I/DD Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Disabilities that originate before the age of 22 and impact intellectual functioning and/or adaptive behavior.
IDT Interdisciplinary Team: A team of people who develops and supports an individual’s service plan. Teams can include the person applying for or receiving services, their guardian, natural supports like parents or family members, a case manager or service coordinator, service providers, therapists, advocates, and more.
ISSP Individual Service and Support Plan: A written plan designed by a service agency to identify specific program goals/objectives and how progress will be measured, such as behavior or independent living skills support plans.
LTSS Long Term Services and Supports: A variety of health care and social services that assist individuals with disabilities and other functional limitations. Can include both institutional and home- and community-based settings.
PASA Program Approved Service Agency: A community service agency authorized by the state to provide services, such as residential care, day program, and employment, for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on Medicaid waivers.
PNF Personal Needs Fund: Remaining money from an SSI benefit allotted to an individual after room and board expenses are paid.
POA Power of Attorney: A legal document used to appoint someone to make decisions (such as health care or financial) for a person who is not able to do so.
RP Representative Payee: A person or organization that is authorized to cash and manage public assistance checks (such as SSI) for a person unable to do so independently.
RFP Request for Proposal: A process used by service coordinators to identify and obtain available services from a program approved service agency.
SC Service Coordinator: An employee of a community centered board who oversees services and supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on Medicaid waivers. May also knows as resource coordinators or case managers.
SP Service Plan: A written plan, facilitated by a service coordinator, designed to identify the needs of a person receiving services and the services required to meet those needs. Also referred to as the Individualized Plan (IP).
SIS Supports Intensity Scale: A assessment tool used to evaluate the support needs of an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities and determine their Medicaid waiver funding level.
SLS Waiver Supported Living Services waiver: A Medicaid waiver program for adults with developmental disabilities that provides services for those living independently or in their family home.
SNT Special Needs Trust: A legal and financial arrangement that allows individuals with disabilities to protect income or assets (such as an inheritance) without impacting their eligibility for public assistance benefits like Medicaid and Social Security that have strict asset limits.
SSDI Social Security Disability Income: A federal financial benefit program for individuals with disabilities who have contributed money to the Social Security program through employment or are surviving dependents of a deceased contributor.
SSI Supplemental Security Income: A federal, needs-based financial benefit program for children and adults with disabilities and individuals aged 65 and older.
ULTC 100.2 Uniform Long Term Care: An annual assessment process to determine continued eligibility for multiple Medicaid programs.